J. Amos Oaks holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Studio Art from the University of Tennessee and studied Graduate Fine Art at Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, CA. He has been employed at KCM since 2005. In his Executive and Creative Director role, Amos is primarily responsible for promoting the mission of PEG access TV and a demonstrated commitment to do whatever is necessary to get the job done. Key responsibilities include: ensuring facility readiness and efficient delivery of services, hiring and supervising professional production staff, managing income and expenses, and encouraging team building through participative management practices. He is also hyper-focused on the exciting new vision our organization is pursuing.
Contact Amos: [email protected] |
business affairs coordinator

Drew Jeske - Polyak holds a Bachelor’s Degree from Rutgers University and has been employed at KCM since 2022. He was most recently in the financial services industry for 11 years as a Team Administrator for a local. high wealth financial advising team.
In his Business Affairs Coordinator role, Drew is primarily responsible for maintaining office business, and the financial records. Key responsibilities include: managing the relationship with KCM vendors, bookkeeping of all accounts receivables and payables, processing the employee payroll, managing income and expenses, and content management on the KCM website.
Contact Drew: [email protected]
In his Business Affairs Coordinator role, Drew is primarily responsible for maintaining office business, and the financial records. Key responsibilities include: managing the relationship with KCM vendors, bookkeeping of all accounts receivables and payables, processing the employee payroll, managing income and expenses, and content management on the KCM website.
Contact Drew: [email protected]
grants + development coordinator

Ian holds degrees in Literature and Information Sciences from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. He has worked in schools, libraries, and nonprofits for over 15 years.
As the new Grants & Development Coordinator, Ian is responsible for researching, writing, and applying to funding opportunities and partnerships. He works closely with the KCM Team to help develop a strategic plan that includes programing endeavors and outreach to local foundations, businesses, governments, and individuals.
Contact Ian: [email protected]
As the new Grants & Development Coordinator, Ian is responsible for researching, writing, and applying to funding opportunities and partnerships. He works closely with the KCM Team to help develop a strategic plan that includes programing endeavors and outreach to local foundations, businesses, governments, and individuals.
Contact Ian: [email protected]
operations administrator

Beth Palmer has been employed at KCM since 2022. In her Operations Administrator role, Beth is primarily responsible for the day-to-day operations of our facility and programming that airs on our cable television channels. Key responsibilities include ensuring facility readiness and efficient delivery of services, being the face of KCM with the County, City and all producers, oversight of all policies and procedures, reconciliation of databases, and making sure all producer and facility needs are met.
Contact Beth: [email protected]
Contact Beth: [email protected]
community arts coordinator

W. Ryan Collins holds a BFA in Graphic Design + Photo Media from the University of Tennessee. He’s a Governor’s School for the Visual & Performing Arts alumni. He was the former Art Director / Production Manager for Knoxville Voice. He has worked exclusively with local institutions for 30 years. He has been employed with KCM since January 2023.
Ryan has wide ranging interests in the world at large as well as the organization, networking and creating of free and open dialogs within the Knoxville Community.
In his Community Arts Coordinator role, Ryan is primarily responsible for outreach, programming, design, integrative implementation, field of vision and planning.
He’s excited to contribute, illustrate and collaborate with others.
Contact Ryan: [email protected]
Ryan has wide ranging interests in the world at large as well as the organization, networking and creating of free and open dialogs within the Knoxville Community.
In his Community Arts Coordinator role, Ryan is primarily responsible for outreach, programming, design, integrative implementation, field of vision and planning.
He’s excited to contribute, illustrate and collaborate with others.
Contact Ryan: [email protected]
studio production coordinator

Cain Blanchard holds a degree in Media Technology and Video Production From Pellissippi State with an emphasis on Videography and Sound Production. He has been an active member of the local DIY music community for over 30 years and has been involved in numerous independent film and video projects.
In his role at KCM Cain serves as Production Liaison for Community Producers, aiding in studio production and offering technical support and guidance in bringing projects to fruition. In addition, he serves as videographer for City and County government meetings, as well as various community events, and is responsible for producing and editing a range of in-house productions.
Contact Cain: [email protected]
In his role at KCM Cain serves as Production Liaison for Community Producers, aiding in studio production and offering technical support and guidance in bringing projects to fruition. In addition, he serves as videographer for City and County government meetings, as well as various community events, and is responsible for producing and editing a range of in-house productions.
Contact Cain: [email protected]
Derek Jones is a Knoxville native who has been a musician, videographer, podcaster, video editor, and sound engineer in the area for the last 25 years. His video work includes numerous documentaries, short films, and music videos.
In his role at KCM, Derek serves as Production Liaison for Community Producers, aiding in studio production and offering technical support and guidance in bringing projects to fruition. In addition, he serves as videographer for City and County government meetings, as well as various community events, and is responsible for producing and editing a range of in-house productions. Contact Derek: [email protected] |
Paige Travis, Chair | Gabrielle Anderson | Sarah atkins Stephanie Brewer-Cook | Michael Giles | Amelia Parker
Andrew Gene Thomas | Adam Thompson | VACANCY PENDING
KCM is extremely fortunate to have a strong Board of Directors whose purpose is to set broad organizational policies and provide specific guidance when necessary to address obstacles to KCM’s strategic objectives. Our Board of Directors also reflects the diversity of the community we serve. It consists of representatives from all of the major stakeholder groups – Community Residents, City & County Government Officials, Local Nonprofit & Religious Organizations, Knox Co. Schools and the Cable Service Providers who carry the channels.
In accordance with KCM’s bylaws, the Board of Directors shall consist of nine persons who will be appointed for terms of three (3) years each. Nominations shall occur in the fourth quarter of each calendar year with appointment of the nominees by Council to be made no later than January 31 of the following year; the appointees to begin their terms of service as of February 1 of the year of their appointment by Council.
One director shall be nominated by the City Mayor from the Mayor’s staff; one director shall be nominated by Council to represent the Council on the Board; one director shall be nominated by Comcast Cable Company, the franchisee, or its successors; one director shall be the Chairman of the Cable Television Committee of the Knox County Commission, or the Chairman’s designee; three directors shall be nominated by the General Manager from the community volunteers involved in the production of television programs through the public access channel; and the remaining directors will be nominated by the Board of Directors. All nominees must be appointed by Resolution of Council.
The term of each Director shall be for the three-year period, or until such Director resigns in writing, or is removed from office by majority vote of all incumbent directors. Vacancies occurring in the offices of directors shall be filled in the same manner as said members are appointed. A Board member elected in this manner shall be considered to be fulfilling the remainder of the term of the Director being replaced.
In accordance with KCM’s bylaws, the Board of Directors shall consist of nine persons who will be appointed for terms of three (3) years each. Nominations shall occur in the fourth quarter of each calendar year with appointment of the nominees by Council to be made no later than January 31 of the following year; the appointees to begin their terms of service as of February 1 of the year of their appointment by Council.
One director shall be nominated by the City Mayor from the Mayor’s staff; one director shall be nominated by Council to represent the Council on the Board; one director shall be nominated by Comcast Cable Company, the franchisee, or its successors; one director shall be the Chairman of the Cable Television Committee of the Knox County Commission, or the Chairman’s designee; three directors shall be nominated by the General Manager from the community volunteers involved in the production of television programs through the public access channel; and the remaining directors will be nominated by the Board of Directors. All nominees must be appointed by Resolution of Council.
The term of each Director shall be for the three-year period, or until such Director resigns in writing, or is removed from office by majority vote of all incumbent directors. Vacancies occurring in the offices of directors shall be filled in the same manner as said members are appointed. A Board member elected in this manner shall be considered to be fulfilling the remainder of the term of the Director being replaced.